P4 & EM Track

The EBMA Hobby & Craft trackbases are designed to aid with the production of ply and rivet turnouts. They can also be used in the construction of mixed plastic chair and rivet turnouts or even entirely plastic chair turnouts.
The bases include rivet holes pre-drilled so you no longer have to struggle to get them in the correct location and then file the rivets when you didn't. Plastic chairs can be simply located over the holes if you wish to use those as well as or instead of rivets.
With thanks to Ralph Robertson for the original design of this range. Use of an early development version of the turnouts can be found on Ralph's Great Jackson Street thread
Crossing Vee Jig
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Turnout Timber Bases P4 or EM (A5-B8 Options)
The EBMA Hobby & Craft trackbases are designed to aid with the production of ply and rivet turno..