Paint Racks
A range of units to store your paints vertically.
Paint Rack MRP
For storage of 33mm bottles such as glass MRP bottles and Alclad II Bottles please see our PR00..
Paint Rack MRP, Alclad, SMS
A vertical paint rack designed to store thirty-eight glass bottles Mr.Paint (MRP), Alclad II and Sca..
Paint Rack 17ml
A vertical paint rack designed to store fifty-seven 17ml dropper bottles such as Vallejo Model Air, ..
Paint Rack 36mm
A vertical paint rack designed to store forty-two bottles of 36mm diameter such as Mr.Hobby Gunze an..
Paint Rack 35ml+
A vertical paint rack designed to store thirty-three 35ml bottles such as the Mig and AK weathering ..
Paint Rack Citadel Paints / Enamels
A vertical paint rack designed to store forty five Citadel/Games Workshop paints in the current tape..
Plain Rack Three Shelves
A vertical rack designed to complement our range of paint racks but able to store a variety of bottl..
Paint Rack Revell
A vertical paint rack designed to store twenty-seven of the Revell Acrylic paint pots. Designed..